Important Rules For Bringing Your Dog to Work đź’Ľ

If you work in a dog-friendly office, Pawsome! Your one of the lucky ones. But be mindful, work is for working. Be compassion towards your human and canine colleagues. While a dog-friendly work culture is certainly aspirational for any dog owner, there are rules for bringing your dog to work.
Do co-workers bring their dog to work?
Most people love dogs, but not all. Even if your office is “dog-friendly,” you may want to check with your coworkers before bringing your dog in to work for the first time. Someone next to you could have a fear of dogs or an allergy. You don’t want to create a negative working environments by bringing in your cute friend. Plus, giving everyone the heads up is just the polite thing to do.
Is your dog fresh and clean for the office?
A clean dog is a happy dog. Even though dogs are man’s best friend, you cannot say the same for that doggy smell, especially in a professional setting. Be sure to keep your dog well-groomed and smelling fresh when bringing him into the office otherwise your pet may not get as many belly rubs, and you want him to have a good experience as well. Hygiene refers to conditions and practices that help to maintain the dogs health and wellbeing in the office.
How’s your work schedule looking?
Be in control of your schedule. This will create a happy safe, secure, and comfortable environment. If you have a lot of meetings on your calendar for the day, it may be a good idea to leave your dog at home or with loved ones. It isn’t particularly fair to have your dog hanging out in the kitchen tripping people up or barking to distract others while you’re presenting to your boss. However, understand the rules for bringing your dog to work and the general office culture, it’s a good idea to see other people bring in there dogs first so you can observe how everyone and the dog is acting.
Take your dog on regular walkies

Not getting enough exercise can cause health problems, such as obesity, but may also lead to behavioural problems around the office. Its a good idea to schedule in some time so you can take your dog on a walk in the day for exercise and a toilet break. No one wants to run into a fun surprise on the floor of your office or under a desk. Just in case, be sure to have poop bags on hand and maybe some Dettol for any accidents that may arise.
No barking at work
Training is an important part of any dog’s life. Great training produces a great experience all around. Before you bring your dog to your workplace, he needs to be properly socialised so he can handle being around other humans and dogs. This means no biting, barking, or unfriendly ruff play with other office canines. This is only fair to your other coworkers who may bring their dogs, or who want a productive work environment without additional distractions.
Come prepared, bring some toys into the office

Bring a few dog toys from home, so he feels comfortable by your side at the office. You may also want to include a blanket, leash, treats, a chewy treat , and a bowl for water. Your dog will be so pleased to have all of his favourites with him—including yourself, of course!