How To Get A Puppy To Throw Up?

Puppies are curious little creatures who like to explore the world and snack on various items from time to time. Unfortunately, there are plenty of substances out there that can be harmful to your doggie’s health.
If your puppy has just eaten something poisonous and you need to quickly induce vomiting, make sure to call the vet and ask if making the dog throw up would be the best possible decision in your specific case. If it is, you would have to give the puppy a bit of 3% hydrogen peroxide, and then monitor its behavior.
Below you will find a step-by-step guide and a few helpful tips on how to act in such a stressful situation.
When Should You Make Your Puppy Throw Up?
You can attempt to induce vomiting in your precious puppy only under the guidance of a veterinarian. There are just too many things that can go wrong if you do not consult the vet.
There are items (like sharp objects or batteries) that can cause even more harm if regurgitated. Furthermore, in some cases, the swallowed object can cause a blockage or a perforation, and inducing vomiting in such a scenario can lead to aspiration pneumonia. If you have a brachycephalic breed, trying to make the puppy vomit can cause the same condition.
You should also not induce vomiting if:
- The puppy is lethargic or comatose
- The dog is having seizures or is experiencing difficulty breathing
- The object was ingested more than 2 hours ago
- The puppy has a decreased swallowing ability
- The dog has already vomited
Ideally, you would want to immediately take the puppy to the vet, once you have figured out that the little guy ate something bad. If you, for some reason, can’t get to the veterinarian’s office, you might have to induce vomiting at home, but you should always get advice from professionals before you proceed.
How Do You Make a Puppy Throw Up After Eating Something Bad?
- The first thing that you need to do is call your vet. Some specialists can get on a video call with you which would be convenient if the veterinarian is ready to guide the process. If the vet’s office is closed, contact the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, which operates 24/7.
- When making a call, make sure that you have the answer to the following questions: what did the puppy eat and when? How much does the fluffy ball weigh? Does the puppy have any health problems?
- If your fluffy friend has not eaten in around 2 hours, you can give it a small portion of its favorite food. This will increase the chances of success.
- Vomiting in dogs is usually induced with the help of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Always consult your vet about the correct dosage for your specific case. It is generally suggested to give the pup 2 teaspoons of the solution for every 25 pounds of weight (with the maximum being 3-4 tablespoons).
- Use a syringe without the needle to squirt the solution into the puppy’s mouth. You can simply pull back the little guy’s lips and squirt the medication between the back teeth. Be extremely careful – if the puppy inhales the hydrogen peroxide, it might lead to aspiration pneumonia that can potentially be fatal.
- If the pup didn’t start vomiting in 15 minutes, you might have to give it a second dosage.
- Stay with your pet the whole time while it’s feeling sick. Try to clean everything up as soon as you can, and make sure that the puppy is not re-ingesting what it had just thrown up. You might want to collect some of the vomit and bring it to your vet.
- Always pay attention to how your dog is feeling. If the puppy is vomiting for more than 45 minutes, started having diarrhea, or became lethargic, then taking the little guy to the specialist ASAP would be the best possible decision.
- Even if you were able to successfully induce vomiting, you would have to follow up with your vet once you get such an opportunity.
How Do You Induce Vomiting in a Puppy Who Ate Grapes?
Grapes and raisins are poisonous to dogs. If you suspect that your pup has eaten any number of grapes, you must treat it as a medical emergency and take your precious pet to the vet. If that can’t be done, call your veterinarian – the specialist would most likely recommend you use 3% hydrogen peroxide and follow the steps mentioned above.
3% hydrogen peroxide is typically the main medication that is recommended to make a puppy throw up. So, you might want to make sure that you have a bottle of this solution both at home and in your doggie’s travel kit.
Hydrogen peroxide acts as an irritant in the intestinal tract. The puppy should start vomiting in about 10-15 minutes after taking the recommended amount of the solution. Do bear in mind that the poor guy can continue throwing up for up to 45 minutes, so you would have to make sure that the puppy is located in a place where it can feel as safe and comfortable as possible.
Only use 3% hydrogen peroxide as anything more concentrated can be toxic for the dog.
What to Do If Your Puppy Is Struggling to Throw Up?
If you have noticed that your little friend is retching and trying to vomit but nothing is coming out, then this is an emergency situation. You would have to contact your veterinarian immediately as this might be a symptom of a twisted stomach.
What Triggers Vomiting in Dogs?
There are quite a few things that can make your puppy start vomiting:
- Eating more than it could handle or eating too fast
- Consuming table scraps and fatty foods
- Intolerance to a certain type of food
- Ingesting foreign objects like bones, stones, sticks, hairs, etc.
- Ingesting toxins or poisons
- Various medical conditions such as intestinal parasites, viral infections, pancreatitis, and so on
When a vet needs to trigger vomiting in a dog, the specialist would typically use 3% hydrogen peroxide as it’s the only substance that is considered relatively safe for inducing vomit. Egg whites and activated charcoal might also make the puppy vomit, but you shouldn’t give these substances to the fluffy ball before consulting with a vet.
In some cases, giving the puppy a large amount of regular water to drink quickly can help.
Will Salt Make a Dog Vomit?
It is not safe to use salt to make a puppy vomit. Excessive salt can lead to electrolyte abnormalities and brain swelling.
Salt poisoning in dogs includes such symptoms as lethargy, increased drinking and urination, seizures, shaking, and coma. In the most severe cases, the puppy might die.
Should I Let My Puppy Eat Grass After Throwing Up?
After your puppy vomits, make sure that it has access to water. Offering the little guy food for around 2-4 hours is not recommended, but if your dog wants to nibble on some grass, you can definitely allow it to do that.
Sometimes, when a pup feels anxious, it will eat grass as a comfort mechanism. Just make sure to closely monitor the dog as eating too much grass can lead to a blockage and an upset stomach.